Special Thanks

Special Thanks for ………………………………………………….

I think choosing a nice place in a good area is one of the most important and top of the priority list.

but for some miraculous reason I have fallen in love, even before landing

Destiny …..? ……………..? Coincidence …….?
I‘ll pick three of them! I love the combination!
so I had to learn a little about the city, the bay area, outside, people, and they lied

of course the first thing I started to put the emphasis on getting to know the environment well I‘ve improved ..! load reading, viewing photos and talking to some contacts I have on sidewalks, narrow streets and bloggers over the mattress.

I have made some of the ideas of some of the areas that I like, but again only when you‘re there, face to face, you really get right (or wrong) feeling.


Saya  ucapkan terimakasih yang tak terhingga kepada yang telah banyak mendukung, memberikan, menyumbangkan sesuatu yang saya anggap sangat berguna dan bermanfaat sehingga terbentuklah suatu komunikasi dan keakraban antara kita yang belum pernah saling mengenal dan saling sapa sebelumnya.



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